By cooking for yourself you can know exactly what is going into your food - please read the labels! Preparing healthy meals can support your immune system, reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, etc In the long term it can even help fight co like Alzheimer's. It also gives you control over the ingredients and portion sizes. On an emotional level, it is a good bonding time to spend with your family and knowing you are feeding them the very best. Some would even say it is a stress reliever.
Time-saving tips
If you don't have much time to cook and prepare, make bigger meals that you can keep leftovers for later in the week. I often do this with mince and roast chicken that is so versatile, then can be used in another format later in the week. Shop online so you gnitive declinedon't have to waste time going to the shops. Keep your meals simple but delicious. stock up on staples so you don't have to keep running to the shops and you can bulk out your leftovers.
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